Dictionaries for 3rd Graders
As has been done for a number of years, the Granville Rotary Club has again presented a dictionary for each third-grade student at the Mary J Tanner Elementary School. The event took place in the school cafeteria on Thursday, December 15. Rotarian Steve Williams amount others presented a brief overview of Rotary, from its founding in Chicago in 1905 until today when it has more than a million members spread throughout the globe. The Granville Rotary Club was founded in 1924 and follows Rotary traditions of running fundraising projects and making donations to worthy causes such as the current dictionaries project.
Teachers Mrs. Bean, Mrs. Fredette and Mrs. West presented dictionaries to the members of their classes. Once the dictionaries were all in students’ hands, Mr. Morcone posed a number of words for students to look up to accustom them on just how a dictionary can be used.