Welcome to our page!

The Granville School District Parent Teacher Organization is a non-profit PTO whose mission is to establish and sustain a working relationship between the parents, teachers, and students by creating opportunities within the home, school, and community. The PTO Provides assistance to teachers within the classroom settings, raises funds for educational materials and experiences, advocates school and family social interactions. The PTO will provide an unbiased area for sharing information on issues that impact our children.
The GCSD PTO has one large fundraiser per year. This is the fundraiser we do in the fall. The last few years we have been selling Gertrude Hawk candy! Without the community members, parents, and students buying candy we would not be able to fund the events and requests that we do. Thank you!
Top 10 Reasons you should get involved with the PTO
What are some of the things that the Granville PTO has funded?
Backpacks for Hunger
Yearly Trunk or Treat Event
Operation Santa Donation
PTO Sponsored Science, Art, & Technology Fair
Teacher Appreciation Breakfast
FFA Conference Field Trip
Cabin Fever Bowling
After Prom Party Donation
Field Day Ice Cream Truck
Natural History Museum Field Trip
Pumpkin Contest GES
MJT and GES Welcome Back Ice Cream Social
and many more!
Who can attend meetings?
Any resident of the Granville School District is welcome to join the PTO!
Whether you are a teacher, parent, student, staff, community member, alumni, retiree you are all welcome!
You can choose your participation level and we will find something for you!
PTO Executive Board:
Jacquelyn Williams
Amanda Newton
Meghan Steves
Michele McMahon
Ashlee Zinn
Backpacks for Hunger
Our Backpacks for Hunger Program is going strong. We are currently feeding close to 65 children on the weekends.
What is Backpacks for Hunger?
Around 54% of our students enrolled in Granville Central School District are economically disadvantaged. In some of these homes, there are times where there isn't enough money to buy the food they need. This leaves children at risk for hunger. As a result, these children are coming to school too distracted by their empty stomachs to focus on doing well in school. While school programs offer free or reduced lunches during school, these children often don’t have access to food over weekends or school breaks.
We are always taking donations - monetary and food. It costs about $135 per child for the entire year.