Did You Know?

  • Vermont residents graduating from a New York high school are eligible for SUNY state resident tuition.

  • Students are eligible to accelerate into high school math, and science programs in 8th grade. Advanced Placement courses in English language, world history, U.S. history, psychology, calculus, and biology are offered. SUNY Adirondack Spanish 201 and SUNY Plattsburgh OAS Government are available to seniors. SUPA courses in biology, English literature, and psychology are offered to seniors. Independent studies are also available.

  • Vermont residents enrolled in a New York State school can enroll in BOCES programs, which includes a diverse curriculum of Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses, including Auto Body Repair, Power Sports Technology, New Visions Engineering, New Visions Health Careers and Exploration, and more.

  • Students can enroll in distance learning classes. They are conducted through an interactive system in which educators teach courses simultaneously to students in several different school districts. Not only do students have the opportunity to enroll in classes not otherwise offered such as marine biology, AP psychology, agricultural science, sports and society, veterinarian science, equine science, journalism, short stories, and computer science. This format allows students to collaborate with learners in other school districts.

  • State-of-the art technology is a priority at GCSD. All students have access to electronic devices ranging from iPads, Chromebooks, to desktops, which they use in classrooms and in supervised technology centers. Students are better able to conduct research, receive their assignments via Google Classroom, and collaborate with other students on group projects. The district's technology plan includes all students in the junior and senior high school to have a dedicated electronic device as of 2018.

  • The district offers a wide range of athletics and numerous diverse clubs and activities. Our goal is that Granville students are involved both in classroom as well as outside programs.

State University of New York logo and button

Syracuse University Project Advance login and button

Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex BOCES logo and button

Career and Technical Education logo and button

The Distance Learning Lab

Clubs and Activities