A-Z Communication Resources
Athletic Game Schedule - Grades 7-12
Code of Conduct Handbook for Each School
Community School
District Calendar - Events for all schools
District Contact Guide - Have questions? Start Here.
Eschool Parent Portal - Track your student's grades, attendance, update your contact info and more. Need help with this? Contact the main office of your child's building.
Facilities / Athletics Use Requests
Google Classroom - Ask your child's teacher to invite you via email. (Register once and this will stay with your student throughout their GCSD enrollment)
Granville Athletic Alumni - Weight Room Use
Granville CSD App - A Must Have! This will allow you to access Parent Classrooms from your mobile phone.
Granville CSD Facebook Page - For Granville CSD Celebrations and Community Updates
Granville CSD Parent Classrooms - Teacher-to-Family, Family-to-Teacher Communication (Register once and this will stay with your student throughout their GCSD enrollment)
Granville CSD PTO - Facebook Page
MyBucks - We are a free breakfast and lunch district. This is to purchase snacks and extra lunches.
My Ride K-12 - Bus Tracking
Seventh Grade Homework and Quiz Schedule
School Blog - Also on the Homepage of Every School Page and in Granville CSD App
School Live Feed (What we post on Facebook is also posted here)
School "Year-At-A-Glance" Calendar
For additional resources, and school departments, please select "menu" in the main navigation bar of the website.
Weekly Updates
School families receive a weekly update newsletter from their registered school by email and text. The newsletters are reposted on the Live Feed and the News Blog of the Granville CSD website.
All non-athletic school events are located in the District Calendar. Please consider reviewing the the District Calendar once per week, in the App or on the website, as it it regularly updated.
The Granville CSD Facebook Page is for highlighting celebrations and community updates.
All essential school communications are sent directly to school families by email, text and Robocall.
In an the event of an emergency, all school communication channels will be used.
Attendance Communications
Please make every effort to ensure that your child arrives to school on time.
Consistent or frequent tardiness can cause students to fall behind quickly, and it makes it hard for them to learn essential skills like reading, math and making friends.
Likewise, frequently picking students up before the end of their scheduled day can cause them to fall behind and feel discouraged as well.
Please call the main office of your student's school to report an excused tardy or missed school day.
For transportation changes, please call the main office of your student's school by 11am. This helps us manage transportation effectively and ensures your child gets home safely.
District Attendance Regulations
Granville Central School District
District Office, 58 Quaker Street, Granville, NY 12832
Phone: 518-642-1051 Fax: 518-642-4544
Granville Jr/Sr High School
Granville Jr./Sr. High School, 58 Quaker Street, Granville, NY 12832
Phone: 518-642-1051 Fax: 518-642-4544
Granville Elementary School
61 Quaker Street, Granville, NY 12832
Phone: 518-642-9357 Fax: 518-642-0771
Mary J. Tanner Primary School
593 State Route 22, Granville, NY 12832
Phone: 518-642-9460 Fax: 518-642-9594
Website and Communications Assistance
Email Communications Staff. Phone: 518-642-1051 Ext. 1317
Please note that we strive to make all the resources of this website accessible to all. We are working diligently to continuously improve the website. If you find an error or need a clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.