wintery image with the words january updates granville csd

Happy New Year!

Here are January updates from Granville CSD to help you prepare for the New Year.

Here is the link to the public Lead Testing Notice on the Granville CSD website.

For any questions about lead results, please contact Dan Daigle, Director of Operations and Maintenance at (518) 642-1051 Ext 2401 and he will gladly speak with you and answer any questions.

1/6 - Back to School! All Schools back in session and our walking program reopens.

Here is the link to share the Walking Program information on Facebook.
Here is the link to view the Walking Program information on the District Calendar.

1/8 - Mid-Year Vote 12-8pm High School Gym (Entrance by the track)

Here is the link for more information on the mid year vote in the District Calendar. This includes links to the following information for your reference:

- The Granville CSD Youtube replay of the October 7, 2024 BOE Presentation about upcoming school expenses and potential declining state aid that influenced the mid-year vote (starts at the 36 minute mark)

- The November 4, 2024 BOE meeting agenda with mid-year vote details

- The public vote notice on our website that was published in the Granville Sentinel 11/28, 12/12, 12,19 and 12/26.

1/8 - PTO Meeting 6pm GES

1/8 - Jr/Sr High Ski and Snowboard Club Begins

1/13 - BOE Meeting 6pm High School Library

1/14 - For 10th Grade Families - > BOCES Career and Technical Education (CTE) Open House 5:30pm at Southern Adk Education Center in Hudson Falls, NY

1/15 - For 10th Grade Families -> Early College Career Academy (ECCA) Info Session 5:30pm at SUNY ADK - For students curious about a free program for Advanced Manufacturing or Information Technology (IT) careers.

1/16 - National Honor Society Induction Ceremony 7pm

1/20 - No School: Martin Luther King, Jr Day

1/21 - Regents Testing Week - 9th - 12th Grade

1/24 - PTO Movie Night 6pm GES

1/24 - Marking Period 2 Ends

1/29 - No School: Lunar New Year

Here is the link to the District Calendar for complete details of all school events.

Looking forward to seeing your students on Monday, January 6th!