remediation complete image


Granville CSD completed the lead remediation process put in place by NYS Health Department at the Jr/Sr High and Granville Elementary and all in-service water sources now meet state standards.


Every three years, New York State schools must test for lead in water to ensure all drinking and potable water is absolutely safe to consume and use.

What is tested? During this compliance period, any outlet used or potentially used for drinking and/or cooking were sampled.

Previously, the action level for the level of lead in New York State Schools water outlets was 15 parts per billion (ppb).

During this current 2023-2025 compliance period the level was reduced to 5 ppb.

This makes NYS the state with the strictest health standard for lead in drinking water in the country.

After the first testing, the Jr/Sr High had five water sources higher than the action level of 5 ppb lead and Granville Elementary School had 11 water sources. Only one was a direct drinking source for students and was in a rarely used classroom.


When tests come back higher than the action level the District is required to implement a NYS Department of Health approved remediation technique, followed up by post remediation testing.

Only when these outlets are remediated and test results come back below the action level are they allowed to be put back into service.

Granville CSD completed the lead remediation recommended by NYS Department of Health and then completed post remediation lead in water testing.

Outlets at the Jr/Sr High School and Granville Elementary, which were remediated and retested with levels below the action level are back in service for use for handwashing and/or drinking.

All water outlets initially tested at Mary J. Tanner Elementary School came back below the action level.

No remediation or post remediation test was required for this building.

Results for Public Review

Schools must post their lead sampling results and remediation plans on their website and report the results of testing to the Department of Health.

Granville CSD posts its lead testing results under “Required Notices” in the main menu of the website.

Here is a direct link to the 2024-2025 lead in water testing results.

For questions, please contact Dan Daigle, Facilities Manager at Granville CSD: 518-642-1051 Ext. 2402 or